End puppy farming

Posted on the 15th September 2012

From 12 noon today (Sept 15th), one extraordinary woman will remain incarcerated in a shed in isolation for 7 days. Every moment of her ordeal – intended to highlight the terrible suffering in puppy farms – will be streamed live online. Linda Goodman of C.A.R.I.A.D. (Care And Respect Includes All Dogs) is that extraordinary woman.

Linda says:

‘Puppy farming, puppy mills, factory farming, battery farming – these are all terms used to describe the same thing in different countries. The overpopulation of dogs and the indiscriminate breeding of puppies are endemic in the western world. This event is being made available to all countries where organisations like C.A.R.I.A.D. are campaigning tirelessly for changes in public attitude and changes to the law. It has taken a lot of organisation to make this event happen. It’s a one of a kind. And it’s here to be used for the benefit of all those, wherever they are, who want a fairer and more just world for domestic companion animals. Man has spent thousands of years domesticating dogs to be our best friends. Their trust in us and their loyalty to us deserves so much better. We must be their guardians.’

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