Cheltenham Festival Horse Killed – Ban Jump Racing

Posted on the 14th March 2023

Race horse Malinello was killed today in the notorious National Hunt Chase at Cheltenham suffering a fatal injury from a fall.

In the past twenty years, 69 horses have been killed at the Festival meeting. And on the first day of the 2023 Cheltenham meeting, Malinello’s name brings the total to 70 fatalities – all young horses whose deaths were needless.

But Cheltenham deaths must not be seen in isolation from any other race meetings. Since 2001, over 3,000 horses have been killed in jump races alone.

As a consequence, Animal Aid’s campaign to Ban Jump Racing was launched just before the start of the 2023 Cheltenham Festival – racing’s most notorious event for killing horses – to put a stop to horse suffering.

Says Animal Aid’s spokesperson:

‘The Animal Aid campaign, ‘Ban Jump Racing’, is a stand against animal cruelty, which was evident today at Cheltenham with the loss of Malinello’s life. The racing industry has for too long accepted horse deaths in the pursuit of gambling, entertainment and money making. With growing public support Animal Aid will achieve its aim to end jump racing.’

Notes for Editors


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