
Ditch dairy – save badgers and cows

As the badger cull is set to be extended, the need to ditch dairy – for the sake of wildlife and the poor suffering cows – has never been greater.

Posted 25 Aug 2017

badger photo licenced under CC 2.0/Flickr user cloudtail

Supermarket policies on fox control

In June 2017, there was outrage after it was revealed supermarket giant Sainsbury’s had trapped and killed a number of foxes at their Crayford store. Following pressure from Animal Aid, and a 40,000 signature petition,...

Posted 22 Aug 2017

In defence of gulls

During the summer period, there are always alarmist stories of gulls ‘attacking’ people – which inevitably lead to calls to cull them.

Posted 28 Jul 2017


Fox culling is cruel and pointless

The Prime Minister has recently confirmed that there will be no free vote on the repeal of the Hunting Act, meaning that, for the time being, foxes and other animals are safe from being legally...

Posted 07 Jul 2017