
Our work in 2020

Despite the global pandemic, two lockdowns and most of our staff currently working from home, thanks to you, we have been able to achieve a lot for animals in 2020, as you can see in...

Posted 24 Dec 2020

Badger cull update

We are horrified and disappointed with the recent developments relating to the badger cull.

Posted 28 Sep 2020

badger photo licenced under CC 2.0/Flickr user cloudtail

Should you be worried about giant rats?

Rats have been getting a lot of bad press recently. Stories have been circulating about ‘giant’ rats, cannibal rats and rat ‘invasions’. These are often exaggerated and prey on people’s deeply held fears of rats.

Posted 13 Jul 2020

North London fox cull halted

Muswell Hill Golf Course has said that they will no longer consider culling foxes as a solution to ongoing management of foxes on the Club’s grounds.

Posted 29 May 2020