
Squirrel massacre

Almost 12,000 grey squirrels have been poisoned to death or shot in the past year in a ‘cull’ funded by the government. The killings took place in Northumberland and were undertaken - it was said...

Posted 29 Jan 2008

Wigan Ruddy Ducks next on hit list

Despite opposition from Animal Aid, local bird groups and the local Community Action Party, Wigan council’s Environmental Services Director Martin Kimber has given the go ahead to allow government killing gangs to slaughter around 140...

Posted 12 Oct 2007

Boost for campaign to stop ruddy duck slaughter

National campaign organisation Animal Aid, which has fought plans to cull the UK’s ruddy duck population for the past ten years, is delighted by Wigan Council’s announcement that it is suspending a local cull and...

Posted 23 Mar 2007

Youth4Animals members tell Canada to stop killing seals

Youth4Animals members (Animal Aid's youth group) held a successful demonstration outside Canada House at Trafalgar Square on Saturday. Eight members, aged from 11 to 18, were joined by staff from Animal Aid's Education department and...

Posted 19 Mar 2007

Hunting is banned!

At long last, after years of campaigning by groups opposed to bloodsports, MPs have passed legislation to 'abolish the hunting of wild animals with hounds'.

Posted 01 Nov 2004

Ruddy protests come to Scotland

Two days of Scottish protests will be staged on the 13th and the 14th August against the government's decision to eradicate the entire UK population of ruddy ducks - many of them located in Scotland.

Posted 13 Aug 2003