
Government announces parakeet cull

The Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) plans to kill the 100-150 monk parakeets who live in the wild in Hertfordshire. Two years ago, Natural England added both the monk parakeet and...

Posted 03 May 2011

Anne the elephant free at last

Anne, the 59-year-old arthritic elephant, has been moved to her permanent new home at Longleat Safari Park.

Posted 04 Apr 2011

Welsh badger cull to go ahead

In a move that surprises no one, Elin Jones – the Welsh Minister for Rural Affairs – has announced that a badger cull will go ahead in Pembrokeshire. This is despite the overwhelming opposition to...

Posted 10 Mar 2011

An open letter to Aberdeen City Council from Animal Aid

2nd March 2011 Animal Aid is appalled by the inhumane and shortsighted attitude of Aberdeen City Council towards the roe deer of Tullos Hill, and condemns the Council’s ultimatum to animal lovers: cough up the £225,000...

Posted 03 Mar 2011

Stop the Corvid cull

The Songbird Survival Trust – several of whose most prominent figures own shoots or have strong shooting connections – has called for a cull on corvids (magpies, crows, jackdaws etc). This is despite there being...

Posted 08 Feb 2011

Badger culls in England and Wales

Recent announcements by Defra and the Welsh Assembly Government confirm that badger culls will take place in England and Wales. In England, farmers will be issued with licences to shoot badgers, either in traps or...

Posted 22 Sep 2010

The Hunting Act must remain!

Prime Minister David Cameron has indicated that he wishes to see an end to the Hunting Act. This law – which is supported by the majority of the public – took decades to pass. If...

Posted 27 Jul 2010

Love squirrels? Then boycott Duchy Originals!

Prince Charles’ call for a cull of grey squirrels in Cornwall has prompted animal protection groups to describe him as ‘a man who doesn’t let his education get in the way of his ignorance’. Animal...

Posted 23 Jun 2010

A reminder of why the 2004 Hunting Act matters

The Conservative Party has indicated that, should it win the General Election, it will make parliamentary time for a free vote on repealing the 2004 Hunting Act, which made hunting foxes and stags with hounds...

Posted 19 Feb 2010