
Badger cull announcement

The government has today affirmed its decision to allow a mass cull of badgers. The shooting will start in west Gloucestershire and west Somerset on June 1st. Dorset has been named as a ‘back-up’ area.

Posted 27 Feb 2013

700 deer to be killed

Hundreds of deer and their calves are due to be killed in Scotland before the end of the month simply to meet targets set by Scottish Natural Heritage. The deadline is just days away, and...

Posted 20 Feb 2013

National Wildlife Crime Unit (NWCU) safe for another year

Defra has announced that the National Wildlife Crime Unit (NWCU), which faced closure under government cuts, has had its funding secured for another year. Thank you to everyone who signed the petition and wrote to...

Posted 29 Jan 2013

Wildlife law consultation

The Law Commission has been tasked with setting out a proposal to modernise and amalgamate all the laws relating to wildlife. It has produced a lengthy consultation paper, which sets out a series of propositions,...

Posted 26 Nov 2012

The government fails animals in circuses

The government has pushed through legislation to ‘regulate’ the use of wild animals in circuses via a new licensing scheme. The move comes despite massive public and parliamentary opposition.

Posted 16 Nov 2012

Licensing of animal circuses to go ahead

Despite massive opposition from both the public and MPs to the use of wild animals in circuses, the government is still refusing to implement a ban on this exploitation. Following a committee debate in the...

Posted 02 Nov 2012

Hounds off!

The campaign group, Hounds Off, has now been running for one year. It promotes hunt-free areas by encouraging anyone with land – no matter how little or how much – to contact their local hunt...

Posted 01 Oct 2012

Challenge to badger cull failed

An appeal to halt the proposed badger cull failed yesterday (11th September) at the court of appeal. The Badger Trust had challenged an earlier ruling that permitted the slaughter of thousands of badgers in two...

Posted 12 Sep 2012

Great British Circus u-turn

It has been confirmed that the Great British Circus will continue to use animals in its performances, despite recent news reports to the contrary.

Posted 29 Aug 2012