
March for the badgers!

The campaign to protect badgers from the government-sanctioned cull continued with a march in London on June 1st. Organised by London Against the Cull and supported by many animal protection organisations, including Animal Aid, marchers...

Posted 14 May 2013

Badger flash mob

Today (May 1st) Animal Aid joined a flashmob organised by Lush, to dance and sing our protest against the badger cull outside Defra's offices.

Posted 01 May 2013

Badger Battle Bus on tour

Last week, Animal Aid’s Badger Battle Bus visited Gloucestershire to urge residents to vote for badger-friendly candidates in the forthcoming local elections.

Posted 22 Apr 2013

Join the fight for flight

The Captive Animal Protection Society has produced a new report detailing mutilations that are commonly inflicted on birds in zoos. At just a few days old, thousands of birds in British zoos and nature parks...

Posted 04 Apr 2013

Badger cull – don’t give up the fight!

The government has announced that the badger cull will go ahead, and is likely to start on June 1st. This is despite many eminent scientists and wildlife experts opposing the cull. Opinion polls show the...

Posted 02 Apr 2013

Calls for a mass deer cull

The University of East Anglia has conducted a study that, it says, highlights the need for massively increased culling of deer – up to 60 per cent of some species, and more than 750,000 animals...

Posted 07 Mar 2013

Badger cull announcement

The government has today affirmed its decision to allow a mass cull of badgers. The shooting will start in west Gloucestershire and west Somerset on June 1st. Dorset has been named as a ‘back-up’ area.

Posted 27 Feb 2013

700 deer to be killed

Hundreds of deer and their calves are due to be killed in Scotland before the end of the month simply to meet targets set by Scottish Natural Heritage. The deadline is just days away, and...

Posted 20 Feb 2013

National Wildlife Crime Unit (NWCU) safe for another year

Defra has announced that the National Wildlife Crime Unit (NWCU), which faced closure under government cuts, has had its funding secured for another year. Thank you to everyone who signed the petition and wrote to...

Posted 29 Jan 2013