
The true history of the grey squirrel in Britain

The grey squirrel is one of the most persecuted wild animals in Britain today. It has been blamed for vast numbers of devastating crimes – from environmental destruction to the near extinction of the red...

Posted 01 Nov 2015

End of this year’s badger slaughter

Reliable reports suggest that this year’s round of badger culls are to end today (October 14). The culls, which were taking place in West Somerset, West Gloucestershire and Dorset, were intended to kill up to...

Posted 14 Oct 2015

Bovine TB: a new round of badger slaughter begins

The government has today (28 August) announced the scale of a new round of badger killing as the central plank of its anti-bovine TB campaign. In West Somerset a maximum of 524 badgers can be...

Posted 28 Aug 2015

Cameron defeated on hunting ban!

David Cameron had intended that today – Wednesday 15 July – he would finally be able to dismember the 2004 Hunting Act and give free rein to his bloodsports chums to hound and kill wild...

Posted 15 Jul 2015

A home for Minty: the story of an orphaned boar

A Home for Minty, by Joyce Moss On 14th March this year, Scott Passmore, founder of animal rescue charity A Wild Life with Animals, was called in the evening to a driveway in the Forest. The...

Posted 26 Jun 2015

Political animal

There are animal-friendly MPs on all sides of the House but the reality is that the past five years have been dreadful for animals, and the next five could get much worse.

Posted 12 Jun 2015

Government kills parakeets

Animal Aid campaigns for all wildlife and, for several years, we have worked alongside local campaigners to try to stop the government ‘cull’ of a tiny number of monk parakeets living in the wild around...

Posted 29 Sep 2014

United Utilities calls off the cull!

Campaign by Bird Lover and Animal Aid Successful When bird lover David Kennedy discovered that Canada geese were being shot at Lingley Mere – a lake owned by Warrington-based United Utilities – he felt he had...

Posted 19 Sep 2014

Culling badgers ‘won’t control Bovine TB’

Computer modelling by the universities of Warwick and Cambridge has accurately reproduced the spread of bovine TB and the number of cases. Furthermore, the study, which has been published in Nature, has concluded that culling...

Posted 03 Jul 2014

‘They just want to cull badgers’

A member of the Independent Expert Panel – the body charged with assessing the humaneness and effectiveness of the badger culls – has spoken out strongly against the government’s culling policy.

Posted 24 Jun 2014