
A vegetarian’s guide to going vegan

November is World Vegan Month! If you’re already a vegetarian, but don’t know how to make the next step towards being vegan, this guide is for you.

Posted 01 Nov 2021

Reasons to try vegan this November

Today – 1st November – marks World Vegan Day and the start of World Vegan Month. Here’s why you should try vegan!

Posted 01 Nov 2021

No such thing as a good egg

New research suggests that around 85% of keel bone* fractures in laying hens are caused by several factors, including whether they lay large or very large eggs, which is of course triggered by consumer demand.

Posted 21 Oct 2021

CO2 gas shortages

There have been ongoing news reports that thousands of pigs are said to be ‘backing up’ on farms due to a shortage of workers, with additional concerns raised that healthy pigs might ‘need to be...

Posted 24 Sep 2021