
Top 10 vegan alternatives to fish!

World Day for the End of Fishing aims to highlight the suffering of fish and marine animals, and to encourage people to try plant-based fish alternatives instead. Here’s some of our favourites!

Posted 15 Mar 2022

Why you should ditch dairy this February

The farming lobby, out of fear from the rise of veganism and popularity of Veganuary, has attempted to co-opt February as Februdairy. However, those attempts are futile. Here’s why you should instead go Februdairy-Free.

Posted 04 Feb 2022

Shining a light on animal welfare labelling

In the UK, we are fortunate to have so much knowledge at our fingertips. We swim in a seemingly endless stream of information. Why then, shouldn’t the labels on all animal products explain clearly how...

Posted 28 Jan 2022

New releases for Veganuary 2022!

This month, supermarkets, eateries, and everything in-between have released an amazing array of new vegan products in homage to Veganuary – here’s a handful of our favourites!

Posted 14 Jan 2022

Ground-breaking news for crustaceans and molluscs

A new government report confirms what many of us knew or suspected all along, namely that cephalopods (such as octopuses, squid and nautilus) and decapod crustaceans (like crabs, lobsters, prawns and crayfish) can feel pain....

Posted 24 Nov 2021

Good COP26, bad COP26, let’s remain hopeful.

World leaders are gathered at COP 26 to grapple with the urgent climate catastrophe that we collectively face. Already we are experiencing accelerated, deadly extreme weather events: Time is running out. We urge them to...

Posted 03 Nov 2021