
No safe limit campaign tour

To launch our new No Safe Limit campaign – which calls for sales restrictions on processed red meat due to its link to bowel cancer – Animal Aid is taking to the road to visit...

Posted 18 Sep 2013

Horse meat scandal: just part of a far wider problem

First, there were widespread expressions of revulsion that the ‘cherished’ horse was ending up in beef burgers, but national newspapers were soon running jokes on the subject. Then came the neurotic self-interest and the blaming...

Posted 11 Feb 2013

Why is it okay to eat cows, but not horses?

It was today revealed that beef burgers being sold in four British supermarkets were found to contain up to 30 per cent horse meat, causing shock and disgust amongst the British public. But Animal Aid,...

Posted 16 Jan 2013

Dog meat now promoted at UK farmers markets

Labrador steaks, leg of Greyhound, Afghan burgers, Dachshund sausages, Beagle chops, Chihuahua poppers…these are just some of the exotic meats being promoted at the new organic and free-range dog meat catering trailer that will set...

Posted 28 Oct 2010

Pig meat: a healthy option?

Newspapers are full of warnings to consumers to avoid Irish pork products due to possible contamination with dioxins, chronic exposure to which can cause cancer in humans

Posted 09 Dec 2008