
Hospital food – a receipt for sickness

Hospital food has a notorious reputation and has been the target of numerous tabloid newspaper and celebrity chef backed campaigns to improve standards. But all of these initiatives have failed to tackle two significant issues...

Posted 29 Apr 2015

Make going vegan your New Year’s resolution

The chances are, you probably overdid it this Christmas. A few too many mince pies, perhaps, or an overload of chocolate? Going vegan this New Year is a great way to start turning things around....

Posted 05 Jan 2015

One-in-eight British adults is veggie

A survey conducted by Mintel has found that one-in-eight British adults has ditched meat and fish, with that number rising to one-in-five for younger people aged 16-24. The research found that millions more people have...

Posted 01 Oct 2014

Crustaceans feel anxiety

New research – in which crayfish were stressed using mild electric shocks – indicates that the species experiences anxiety. This adds to a growing body of evidence that decapod crustaceans (lobsters, crabs, prawns and crayfish)...

Posted 13 Jun 2014

No Safe Limit for Bowel Cancer Awareness month

April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, making it the perfect time to warn people that eating processed red meat – such as bacon and sausages – increases the risk of bowel cancer, the second biggest...

Posted 01 Apr 2014

Eating animal protein is linked to early death and cancer

New research published in the journal Cell Metabolism shows that eating high levels of protein from animal sources – such as meat, milk and eggs – increases the risk of death from cancer by four...

Posted 05 Mar 2014

Horsemeat scandal: The Guardian’s revelations

The Guardian’s Felicity Lawrence has conducted a thorough and eye-opening investigation into the horsemeat scandal, which has uncovered a ‘labyrinth of murky meat brokerage that stretches across borders and takes in drug and horse smuggling,...

Posted 22 Oct 2013