
Chelmsford residents urged to eat cruelty-free

Members of the public were invited to watch a powerful video showing pigs on the final stage of their journey to a local slaughterhouse, which was filmed during a recent vigil with Essex Pig Save....

Posted 30 Aug 2016

Badgers to be culled in five new areas of England

Animal Aid is saddened by reports that this year’s badger cull will include five new cull zones (South Devon, North Devon, North Cornwall, West Dorset, and South Herefordshire). The badger cull is being pushed by...

Posted 23 Aug 2016

badger photo licenced under CC 2.0/Flickr user cloudtail

More than half a million Britons are now vegan

A recent survey commissioned by the Vegan Society and Vegan Life Magazine has found that there are now 542,000 people following a vegan diet in the UK. This means that the number of vegans in...

Posted 18 May 2016

Processed meat linked to stomach cancer

A new report published by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has concluded that eating processed meat – such as bacon, sausages and ham – increases the risk of developing stomach cancer.

Posted 21 Apr 2016

UK meat consumption falls

The British Social Attitudes Survey has revealed that millions of people across the UK have reduced their meat consumption over the past year. As many as 3-in-ten have already cut down on meat, whilst a...

Posted 19 Feb 2016

Today’s news highlights two more reasons to go vegan

Two stories in the news today emphasise the urgent need to drop animal products and adopt a cruelty-free vegan diet. Speaking at the climate change talks in Paris, Arnold Schwarzenegger has urged the public to...

Posted 08 Dec 2015

Go vegan to protect the planet

As world leaders meet in Paris to discuss climate change, we wonder if they will mention one of the biggest causes of greenhouse gas emissions – animal farming.

Posted 30 Nov 2015

Bovine TB and intensively-reared cattle

It has been reported in the media today that the incidents of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in cattle increases where those cattle are intensively reared.

Posted 11 Nov 2015

WHO announces processed meat is carcinogenic

The World Health Organisation has announced that processed meat is ‘carcinogenic to humans’, ranking it amongst some of the most cancer-causing substances in the world, adding further weight to Animal Aid’s call for it to...

Posted 23 Oct 2015