
Antibiotics Awareness

The post-war era has ushered in a new age of increasing intensification of farming. More and more animals are bred to grow unnaturally fast and kept in crowded, highly stressful and deplorable conditions.

Posted 20 Nov 2017


Good news on CCTV in slaughterhouses

The government has confirmed that it intends to go ahead with plans to make CCTV mandatory for all slaughterhouses in England. Defra has announced that it will be introducing legislation in the New Year, and...

Posted 13 Nov 2017

Every day is bad luck for farmed animals

Friday the 13th – a day plagued by superstition and thoughts of ‘bad luck’. Whereas one can shrug this off as nothing more than folklore, the same cannot be said for animals suffering in the...

Posted 13 Oct 2017