
Bowood Yorkshire Lamb: Film notes for media

Animal Aid placed secret, fly-on-the-wall cameras at Bowood Yorkshire Lamb slaughterhouse, Thirsk, and filmed on December 1st and 2nd, then returned and placed the camera at a different angle and filmed again on 9th December. We...

Posted 03 Feb 2015

Timeline for case against Cheale Meats’ employees

March 28th & 29th 2011 Filmed inside Cheale Meats – the race area and the slaughter area. April 27th & 28th Filmed inside Cheale Meats – the lairage, race and stun areas. April 4th –...

Posted 25 Apr 2012

Cheale Meats animal abusers jailed

Today (25 April), two former Cheale Meats slaughterhouse employees received jail sentences after pleading guilty to offences under the Animal Welfare Act 2006. The men had been caught on covert cameras placed by Animal Aid...

Posted 25 Apr 2012

Revealed: Cigarettes stubbed out on slaughter pigs’ faces

Cigarettes stubbed out on pigs’ faces; one animal punched in the head; another goaded in the face; regular blows and kicks; seriously injured pigs forced to drag themselves to slaughter… All these abuses in one...

Posted 28 Jul 2011