
Danger for Dogs in Hot Weather

Every summer many dogs tragically suffer and die from heatstroke, caused by overheating, for example, during exercise or from being left in a car.

Posted 19 May 2022

Dog in car

Animal Aid asks public: “Are you one of the 71%?”

Animal Aid showed people in London, Bristol and Liverpool our latest campaign film, asking them if they were one of the majority who believe it is never acceptable to cause animals pain and suffering.

Posted 14 Apr 2022

Oxfordshire County Council goes vegan!

Oxfordshire County Council has voted to only serve plant-based food at council events, and increase the number of vegan options on public sector menus.

Posted 25 Mar 2022

Ukraine – how you can help

Ukraine is in our thoughts every day – like most people, we are horrified by the tragedy and brutality of this war.

Posted 09 Mar 2022

Refugees stand in line as they wait for a bus to the border checkpoint at Rava Ruska, Ukraine

Why you should ditch dairy this February

The farming lobby, out of fear from the rise of veganism and popularity of Veganuary, has attempted to co-opt February as Februdairy. However, those attempts are futile. Here’s why you should instead go Februdairy-Free.

Posted 04 Feb 2022

New releases for Veganuary 2022!

This month, supermarkets, eateries, and everything in-between have released an amazing array of new vegan products in homage to Veganuary – here’s a handful of our favourites!

Posted 14 Jan 2022