
Ten Ways to Help Animals in 2017

New Year, a new you? Why not make your New Year’s resolution a compassionate one? We have compiled a list of ten ways you can help animals in 2017.

Posted 20 Dec 2016

Christmas 2016

Christmas is almost upon us, but there are still some things you can do to make your holiday season an animal-friendly one.

Posted 16 Dec 2016

A tribute to Joan Court

Joan Court’s life as an animal and human rights activist was so extraordinary, so full of colour, daring and accomplishment, that many of us who knew her over the years almost began to think that...

Posted 02 Dec 2016

Animals and Bonfire Night

This Bonfire Night, please spare a thought for the animals and birds who may be terrified by the deafening crashes and blinding flashes.

Posted 04 Nov 2016

Tributes to Andrew Tyler

The Winter 2016 issue of our members' magazine 'Outrage' contained a tribute to Andrew Tyler on his retirement. Andrew served more than 20 years as Animal Aid's director.

Posted 04 Nov 2016

New Year 2016

New Year, a new you? Why not make your new year’s resolution a compassionate one! We have compiled a list of ten steps you can take to ensure you make 2016 a more compassionate year...

Posted 28 Dec 2015

Christmas 2015

Christmas is upon us, but there are still some things you can do to make your holiday season an animal-friendly one.

Posted 22 Dec 2015