
Go Februdairy-Free!

In an attempt to piggyback on the success of Veganuary, the dairy industry has once more attempted to push ‘Februdairy’, but it’s just another dairy industry failure. 

Posted 05 Feb 2020

Misery continues for reindeer

Animal Aid investigators returned to Kent Reindeer Centre this year, following our exposé of 2018, which revealed reindeer suffering and even being abused.

Posted 03 Dec 2019

Their Christmas Wish

Think turkeys aren’t amazing? Take a look at these ones…

Posted 23 Oct 2019


Kellogg’s: Please make it vegan!

Kellogg’s is one of the world’s best know cereal brands, and indeed many people enjoy their cereals. However, the majority of their cereals contain animal-derived vitamin D which makes them unsuitable for vegans.

Posted 11 Oct 2019

copyright Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals