
Four deaths in just one day – three at Ludlow Racecourse

On Wednesday 6 February 2008, three horses were killed and another was seriously injured during the day’s racing at Ludlow. On the same day, Balmoral Star, a seven-year-old mare fell dead at Carlisle Racecourse.

Posted 08 Feb 2008

Guardian prints the case against horse racing

The argument against horse racing is attracting increasing media coverage. Even racing correspondents are finding it impossible to resist commenting on evidence of the death, injury and exploitation that are integral to the industry. Animal...

Posted 29 Nov 2007

Horse abattoir press preview

Animal Aid today (Thursday, September 20) releases footage secretly filmed in an English abattoir. It shows discarded children’s riding ponies and unprofitable race horses being shot in the head with a rifle and then butchered...

Posted 20 Sep 2007

Animal Aid background notes on horse slaughter

The Fate of Horses: Horses may end their days at a UK abattoir for a number of reasons – sickness, old age, they prove too costly, or (for race horses) they are deemed inadequate to...

Posted 18 Sep 2007

Exposed! Race horse vivisection

A new report, published this week by Animal Aid, describes a series of painful and often lethal laboratory experiments conducted on race horses, mountain ponies and other equines. Many of the experiments are directly, or...

Posted 16 May 2007