
The ‘SOCPA Seven’

September 22 marks the start of a criminal trial in London’s Southwark Crown Court that, supporters of the seven defendants claim, amounts to a concerted attack on non-violent grass roots anti-vivisection campaigning. It is argued...

Posted 21 Aug 2014

The inglorious twelfth

August 12th – the so-called Glorious Twelfth – marked the start of the four-month grouse shooting season. A new Animal Aid report, Calling the Shots 2014, is aimed at alerting the public to the truth about...

Posted 12 Aug 2014

Two farmers prosecuted for neglecting animals

A farmer in Yorkshire has been jailed for 16 weeks after 350 dead and dying animals were discovered at his farm, whilst another farmer in Wales has had his animals seized after they were found...

Posted 07 Aug 2014

Insensitivity of primate researchers exposed by government committee

The Animals in Science Committee (ASC), which is responsible for advising the government on vivisection, has rejected several elements of a deeply disturbing government-commissioned report that downplayed the suffering of primates used in neuroscience research.

Posted 04 Aug 2014

Culling badgers ‘won’t control Bovine TB’

Computer modelling by the universities of Warwick and Cambridge has accurately reproduced the spread of bovine TB and the number of cases. Furthermore, the study, which has been published in Nature, has concluded that culling...

Posted 03 Jul 2014

‘They just want to cull badgers’

A member of the Independent Expert Panel – the body charged with assessing the humaneness and effectiveness of the badger culls – has spoken out strongly against the government’s culling policy.

Posted 24 Jun 2014