
Out of their own mouths

The racing industry often claims that the wellbeing of the racehorses is its top priority. But as these two quotes from industry-insiders show, this is far from the truth.

Posted 31 May 2016

More than half a million Britons are now vegan

A recent survey commissioned by the Vegan Society and Vegan Life Magazine has found that there are now 542,000 people following a vegan diet in the UK. This means that the number of vegans in...

Posted 18 May 2016

Powerful new anti-badger cull network launched

Ignoring scientific evidence and public outrage, the government is set to continue culling badgers in nine English counties: Cheshire, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Somerset, Worcestershire and Wiltshire.

Posted 09 May 2016

Are you leaving a legacy of suffering?

Animal Aid has long campaigned against vivisection and the involvement of medical research charities in this shocking practice. We are pleased to announce the launch of our new campaign, Don’t leave a legacy of suffering.

Posted 29 Apr 2016

beagle photo CC 2.0 Wai Keong

Processed meat linked to stomach cancer

A new report published by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has concluded that eating processed meat – such as bacon, sausages and ham – increases the risk of developing stomach cancer.

Posted 21 Apr 2016