Andrew Tyler
It is with enormous sadness we have to announce that our much-loved former Director, Andrew, passed away on Friday 28th April.
Posted 28 Apr 2017

It is with enormous sadness we have to announce that our much-loved former Director, Andrew, passed away on Friday 28th April.
Posted 28 Apr 2017
Lord Justice Hickinbottom and Mr Justice Kerr ruled today at the High Court in Leeds that the defendants in the Bowood slaughterhouse case, which relates to an investigation by Animal Aid, should be tried.
Posted 27 Apr 2017
Burnley, Lancashire - Campaigners laid flowers and held banners during a peaceful vigil at a controversial slaughterhouse, which is the subject of a government cruelty probe.
Posted 26 Apr 2017
Animal Aid’s newest campaign aims to educate people about the sensitivity of mice; how this cannot be accommodated in laboratories; how mice deserve the same consideration as other animals and how they differ from humans....
Posted 24 Apr 2017
Campaigners will lay flowers and hold banners during a peaceful vigil at a controversial Lancashire slaughterhouse, which is the subject of a government cruelty probe.
Posted 20 Apr 2017
Grey squirrels will be trapped, forced into bags and bludgeoned to death, under plans to cull them in an attempt to save red squirrels - despite the fact that mass culling has long proven to...
Posted 10 Apr 2017
As the 2017 Grand National Meeting came to an end, many of the horses who raced at Aintree would have returned to their stables shaken and sore, with a number carrying injuries from the melee...
Posted 10 Apr 2017
Secret footage shot inside a Lancashire non-stun slaughterhouse shows sheep having their throats hacked at and animals being thrown. This prompted an urgent government investigation into cruelty and a slaughterman’s licence was promptly withdrawn.
Posted 07 Apr 2017
Last year’s Aintree Grand National Meeting (2016) was the most deadly this century. Six horses died as a result of the three days of racing. Despite the authorities stating the race itself is getting safer,...
Posted 30 Mar 2017
Can you help Animal Aid by baking and selling vegan goodies? From 15-30 April, please join people all over the globe taking part in the Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale. The idea behind it is simple. Bake...
Posted 27 Mar 2017