
Shining a light on animal welfare labelling

In the UK, we are fortunate to have so much knowledge at our fingertips. We swim in a seemingly endless stream of information. Why then, shouldn’t the labels on all animal products explain clearly how...

Posted 28 Jan 2022

A breakthrough for Wales

After many years of campaigning for mandatory CCTV for all UK slaughterhouses, we have a breakthrough to share! The Welsh Government has finally set a date for the introduction of mandatory CCTV for all Welsh...

Posted 15 Nov 2021

Good COP26, bad COP26, let’s remain hopeful.

World leaders are gathered at COP 26 to grapple with the urgent climate catastrophe that we collectively face. Already we are experiencing accelerated, deadly extreme weather events: Time is running out. We urge them to...

Posted 03 Nov 2021

No such thing as a good egg

New research suggests that around 85% of keel bone* fractures in laying hens are caused by several factors, including whether they lay large or very large eggs, which is of course triggered by consumer demand.

Posted 21 Oct 2021

CO2 gas shortages

There have been ongoing news reports that thousands of pigs are said to be ‘backing up’ on farms due to a shortage of workers, with additional concerns raised that healthy pigs might ‘need to be...

Posted 24 Sep 2021

Mandatory CCTV for all slaughterhouses in Scotland

We have positive news regarding our long-running campaign for CCTV in all UK slaughterhouses. Mandatory CCTV will come into force for all Scottish slaughterhouses from today, 1st July 2021. These plans should make a difference...

Posted 01 Jul 2021

Worker pulls back fist as if to punch sheep

Help ban fur sales in the UK!

The UK government is considering evidence for a ban on the import and sale of fur in the UK and wants to hear your views. This is a great opportunity for us to speak out...

Posted 14 Jun 2021