Pig meat: a healthy option?
Newspapers are full of warnings to consumers to avoid Irish pork products due to possible contamination with dioxins, chronic exposure to which can cause cancer in humans
Posted 09 Dec 2008
Sandholme Farm, Thirsk, North Yorkshire
In March and April 2008, as part of a major investigation, Animal Aid visited 10 English pig farms spanning five counties: Cornwall, Somerset, Lincolnshire, North Yorkshire and East Riding of Yorkshire.
Posted 18 Jul 2008
Animal suffering exposed on ‘Freedom Food’ farm
An RSPCA spokesman told Channel 5 News today (July 2 2008) that ‘the Society’s reputation is, to some extent, at stake’, following an Animal Aid undercover investigation of an RSPCA-approved Freedom Food (FF) chicken farm...
Posted 02 Jul 2008