
Upton pig farm allowed to go ahead

Sadly, despite almost 8,000 people submitting objections through our website and vigorous local opposition, a new factory farm in Lincolnshire has been allowed to go ahead.

Posted 21 Sep 2016

7,500 objections to Upton pig farm

More than 7,500 people have now spoken out against plans for an intensive pig farm in Upton, Lincolnshire, which could rear nearly 2,000 pigs at a time. This excellent response has already demonstrated the strength...

Posted 01 Sep 2016

Badgers to be culled in five new areas of England

Animal Aid is saddened by reports that this year’s badger cull will include five new cull zones (South Devon, North Devon, North Cornwall, West Dorset, and South Herefordshire). The badger cull is being pushed by...

Posted 23 Aug 2016

badger photo licenced under CC 2.0/Flickr user cloudtail

750 pigs die in farm fire

A fire across two sheds at a farm in Wiltshire has killed more than 750 pigs, including 700 piglets. Eight fire engines were called to the scene, but fire fighters were unable to rescue the...

Posted 28 Jul 2016