
Shocking animal deaths at the Royal Veterinary College

Internal Royal Veterinary College documents, obtained by Animal Aid under Freedom of Information legislation, reveal a series of blunders by college researchers performing animal experiments, that have resulted in dogs, sheep, guinea pigs and other...

Posted 29 Jun 2016

New GM technique signals catastrophe for animals

This week, a grotesque new chapter in the genetic modification of animals hit the headlines. Employing a new ‘wonder gene-editing tool’, pigs are being used to grow organs for transplantation into humans.

Posted 07 Jun 2016

Are you leaving a legacy of suffering?

Animal Aid has long campaigned against vivisection and the involvement of medical research charities in this shocking practice. We are pleased to announce the launch of our new campaign, Don’t leave a legacy of suffering.

Posted 29 Apr 2016

beagle photo CC 2.0 Wai Keong

Poor reporting of animal research is reported… yet again

Two articles and an editorial, all published on the 4 January 2016, in the science journal PLoS Biology, shine yet more light on the shady world of animal research, where living animals, capable of suffering...

Posted 29 Jan 2016

Royal Veterinary College under fire for its animal experiments

The popular notion of a dog being man’s best friend is clearly not recognised at the Royal Veterinary College (RVC), where researchers have been subjecting beagle-crosses to painful experiments that aim to alleviate human, rather...

Posted 20 Jan 2016

beagle photo CC 2.0 Wai Keong

Innovative app lets public choose cruelty-free medical charities

Animal Aid has launched an innovative phone app that allows people to check whether medical research charities fund experiments on animals. The Cruelty-Free Giving app – which is free to download – features a searchable...

Posted 06 Nov 2015