
Horse experimenters win Mad Science awards

Animal Aid's Mad Science Awards (AAMSAs) - handed out each August for pointless and grotesque scientific research - this year go to research teams from 14 establishments who conducted invasive experiments on horses.

Posted 14 Aug 2003

A worm’s eye view

Animal Aid director Andrew Tyler comments on the 'animal league table'. Some arguments against animal cruelty are easier to make than others. Defending monkeys is less arduous than defending rats.

Posted 01 Mar 2002

Seriously deluded – about animal experiments

The following article, entitled 'UK patients group hits back at anti-vivisectionists', appeared on the BMJ website ( on 23 February 2002. Read on for Animal Aid's response.

Posted 01 Feb 2002

Cloning animals – headline news

By Kathy Archibald, Animal Aid Scientific Researcher. It seems extraordinary that a little premature arthritis in one sheep should make headline news, as the unfortunate Dolly has done in the first week of 2002. One might...

Posted 01 Jan 2002

EU chemical testing – doctors and lawyers oppose plan

The organisation Doctors and Lawyers for Responsible Medicine (DLRM) oppose - on scientific grounds - an EU plan for a massive new programme of safety testing of chemicals using animals. What follows is the DLRM...

Posted 01 Jul 2001