
The ‘SOCPA Seven’

September 22 marks the start of a criminal trial in London’s Southwark Crown Court that, supporters of the seven defendants claim, amounts to a concerted attack on non-violent grass roots anti-vivisection campaigning. It is argued...

Posted 21 Aug 2014

Insensitivity of primate researchers exposed by government committee

The Animals in Science Committee (ASC), which is responsible for advising the government on vivisection, has rejected several elements of a deeply disturbing government-commissioned report that downplayed the suffering of primates used in neuroscience research.

Posted 04 Aug 2014

Vivisectors’ concordat a public relations ploy

Animal Aid has dismissed a ‘concordat on openness’, signed by 72 practitioners or advocates of animal research, as a manoeuvre to boost dwindling public confidence in vivisection and how it is regulated.

Posted 14 May 2014

Correct way to hold laboratory mouse

Medical charities challenged to public vivisection debate

To mark World Day for Animals in Laboratories (April 24), Animal Aid is challenging four prominent UK medical research charities to take part in a public debate about the moral and scientific merits of the...

Posted 20 Apr 2014

ASA’s ‘perverse’ ruling on anti-vivisection ad

Animal Aid has pledged to campaign more robustly than ever against the large-scale suffering involved in the breeding and use, in biomedical experiments, of genetically modified mice. The undertaking comes in response to a decision...

Posted 11 Feb 2014