Battle bus tour dares people to watch slaughter footage

Posted on the 12th May 2015

The Animal Aid Battle Bus is on the road again, visiting towns and cities across the UK. This time we are daring people to watch a film about the reality of animal slaughter, discretely hidden behind a curtain on the side of the vehicle.

The film is a compilation of footage from our ten undercover slaughterhouse investigations since 2009 and features scenes of animals being kicked, punched, electrocuted with stunning equipment, dragged by fleeces, tails and ears, as well as other examples of animal cruelty.

Says campaigner Andrew Butler:

β€˜We’re daring meat-eaters to look behind the curtain and see where their meat really comes from. If people are prepared to buy meat – to pay someone to slaughter an animal on their behalf – we think they should see the truth of what that involves. And if people can’t stand to watch it, maybe they should ask themselves whether it’s right for them to be eating meat.’

Each of the stops on the tour is a town close to one of the slaughterhouses featured in the film:

  • 12th May – Chelmsford
  • 13th May – Norwich
  • 14th May – Harrogate
  • 15th May – Taunton
  • 18th May – Exeter
  • 19th May – Truro
  • 20th May – Dorchester
  • 21st May – Swindon

Watch the film appearing on the Battle Bus:

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