Badger cull scrapped in Wales

Posted on the 20th March 2012

Today, the Welsh Assembly Government has announced that the planned pilot cull of badgers in West Wales is to be scrapped and a five-year vaccination project will be trialled instead – an announcement greeted with relief and gratitude by Animal Aid.

This is the final decision in a long series of announcements that, by turns, confirmed and ruled out a cull. The previous Welsh Government administration had agreed to kill badgers in North Pembrokeshire but its plan was put on hold by the new Environment Minister, John Griffiths, while a review of the scientific evidence was conducted. Today Mr Griffiths announced: ‘At present I am not satisfied that a cull of badgers would be necessary to bring about a substantial reduction in cases of TB in cattle.’

Says Animal Aid’s Head of Campaigns, Kate Fowler:

‘This is the sensible, practical, humane decision we have all been waiting for. Animal Aid would like to thank John Griffiths and his team for looking at the scientific evidence closely and listening to the views of the public. This is a wonderful day for democracy, for clear rational thinking and, most of all, for badgers!’

Read the article on Wales online

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