On 1 October, the pheasant shooting season will begin. The partridge shooting season is already under way. Millions of birds will be used as live feathered targets, before the killing is over on 1 February next year.
There are signs that opposition to this cruel industry is mounting: snares have been banned in Wales, and the Scottish Government is consulting about whether to ban them, too. The Welsh Government is also looking into the environmental impacts of the release of so many purpose-bred birds into the countryside.
The time is right for a huge show of public opposition to the terrible things that this bloodsport does to animals:
- The breeding parent birds imprisoned for life in appalling metal cages
- Killing of native wildlife, to ‘protect’ the pheasants and partridge until they are shot
- Significant negative impact on other wild animals, caused by the birds’ mass release.
- Use of toxic lead shot
- And, of course, the shooting, wounding and killing of the actual pheasants and partridges themselves.
Help us show the Westminster and devolved governments that we oppose this cruelty.
Please sign the petition and ask everyone you know to sign it, too.
The birds have nobody but us – so let’s make a huge noise!
Please sign our petition