Ministers’ support for squirrel culling condemned

Posted on the 19th January 2018

We were extremely alarmed to read in the Times (18 January), that ministers had expressed their support for culling grey squirrels.

We immediately contacted other leading animal protection groups and co-ordinated an open letter to Environment Secretary Michael Gove. This stressed how absurd and unfair any squirrel cull would be. Squirrels were being blamed for damaging trees, but it is humans who are responsible for destroying trees and woodland on a massive scale. We also emphasised the strength of public feeling against killing these wonderful creatures.

We will be keeping a close eye on the situation and launching a major campaign if any plans for squirrel culls are put forward. Please watch this space for more information. You may like to sign up to our e-news, so we can let you know about urgent action alerts on this issue, and other campaigns.

Read the open letter

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