UK meat sales decline further, new government report shows

Posted on the 13th March 2017

Households in the United Kingdom are spending less and less on meat products, a new report released by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has revealed.

DEFRA’s National Food Survey outlines a long-term decline in the purchase of meat, which has been ongoing since the millennium. In the last year alone the amount of raw beef, lamb and pork bought by households has fallen by 4.2 per cent and meat products such as sausages, bacon, poultry and meat-based ready meals by almost 7 per cent since 2012.

The latest stoop in sales comes as a growing number of conscious consumers respond to the meat industry’s poor animal protection, environmental and health record by cutting down on and cutting out animal products.

Animal Aid’s covert investigations inside UK slaughterhouses, which have documented appalling and needless animal suffering, show why such a change is necessary for caring people everywhere. Shocking incidents which have been uncovered include cigarettes being stubbed out on pigs, sheep being picked up and thrown by their fleeces and other animals being stamped on.

Says Luke Steele, Farming and Slaughter Campaigns Manager, Animal Aid:

“These welcome new statistics show that consumers are increasingly responding to the meat industry’s terrible animal protection, environmental and health credentials by cutting down on and cutting out animal products.

“We want to ask caring people everywhere to join the growing wave of conscious consumers by simply swapping animal products for a vegan alternative. Never before has it been so easy to enjoy a cruelty-free meal.”

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