Why The Grand National Needs to Be Banned
From the 3rd-5th April, The Grand National meeting will take place: a brutal event which has claimed the lives of 65 horses since 2000.
Posted 31 Mar 2025

Posted on the 8th April 2024
The British Horseracing Authority (BHA) has launched its latest welfare initiative, (Horse PWR), ahead of this week’s Grand National meeting, to stem the tide of criticism about its poor welfare record in relation to on-course deaths, lack of transparency, horse slaughter and horse aftercare.
However, the slick new website fails to deliver meaningful promises and lacks accuracy on key issues, such as the number of horses from the racing industry who were sent to slaughter last year, or the number of horses killed in training. According to the Horse PWR website, 83 Thoroughbreds with passports were slaughtered in England in 2023. However, figures obtained by Animal Aid via a Freedom of Information request to the Food Standards Agency showed that 175 horses carrying Weatherbys passports (the passport-issuing agency for the racing industry) were slaughtered in England in 2023.*
In December 2023, the former Secretary of State for the Environment, George Eustice MP, called for the racing industry to redirect £12 million from prize money into horse aftercare.
In March, Animal Aid launched its horse aftercare campaign, due to the fact that horses who leave racing are only provided with around a pitiful £130 per horse. Animal Aid is lobbying MPs to support Mr Eustice’s request for greater funding, in order to force the racing industry to provide the funding required, since it continues to refuse to regulate the over-breeding of foals.
The BHA’s latest publicity stunt is just another example of racing’s self-serving rhetoric – for example, the Horse Welfare Board (HWB) published its five-year strategy ‘A life well-lived’ in February 2020. This initiative was meant to improve the welfare of race horses, both during and after their “careers”. However, four years into the five-year strategy, and there has been no meaningful change. Every year, around 200 horses die on British racecourses. Race horses are still being sold and slaughtered for their meat once they are no longer of use to the industry. An unknown number are killed in their yards. Others are sold from person to person in a downward spiral of neglect. Horses are still being beaten with whips.
More pertinently, the BHA’s new public-facing media campaign follows Animal Aid’s undercover investigation which showed that horses from the racing industry were being sent to slaughter. The footage from the investigation was used in a 2021 Panorama programme, and the repercussions of this are still being felt by the racing industry. Despite promises and excuses from the racing industry when the programme was aired, the situation has not improved – it has actually worsened:
*Further discrepancies in figures are as follows:
From the 3rd-5th April, The Grand National meeting will take place: a brutal event which has claimed the lives of 65 horses since 2000.
Posted 31 Mar 2025
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