Contact your Local Media about a Grey Squirrel Cull

Getting the story in your local paper or on the radio is a good way to publicise your campaign and to get more opposition to the cull.

Here is an example of a press release to be sent to your local newspaper. If you choose to use our example, you will need to amend it to include the relevant information. Please get in touch if you would like us to send you the contact details of your local paper or radio station. 

Press release 

Local Residents Condemn [Name of Council/Local group/School etc] plans to Grey Squirrels as Cruel and a Waste of Resources 

It has emerged that [Name of Council/ club or school] has plans to cull grey squirrels in the local area. Residents were horrified that the council has made such a cruel and short-sighted decision and [Number] people have signed a petition opposing the plan. 

Residents are concerned about the suffering associated with culling. Trapping, shooting or bludgeoning squirrels to death inside a sack can cause terrible suffering. Poisons typically cause animals to die from internal bleeding, which can take several days.  

Most councils now understand that killing wildlife is cruel, ineffective and a waste of money.  Culls simply do not work because if there is a good source of food in an area and the environment remains attractive, more squirrels will quickly move into the area to replace those killed, leading to an endless cycle of culling and expense for councils. This also represents a waste of council tax revenue [if carried out by a council].  

There are many humane ways to deter squirrels from buildings and gardens, such as blocking access to roof spaces and using sonic repellents. The council has been sent resources outlining humane deterrents and has also been provided with the details for companies specialising in humane wildlife deterrence.  

[Add your own quote here for example] 

[Your Name] from [Town] says ‘Most people, including myself, enjoy seeing wildlife in our local area and so the decision to cull squirrels is shocking and likely to be extremely unpopular. I ask the council to show compassion and tolerance towards wildlife, by halting all plans for the cull and instead choosing non-lethal humane methods to deter squirrels if necessary.


  • If you have created a petition, you could put in the link and if you are planning an action or demonstration, you could also mention the details.  
  • Remember to include your name and phone number.  


Letter to the Editor 

Another option is to write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper (or even a national one). This can be useful if there is already an article about the cull in the paper, either opposing it or championing it. Your letter can refer to this earlier article or letter and either agree with it or challenge it. Letters to the editor are usually shorter than a press release.  

We have lots of tips on writing a letter to the editor in our “Get Active for Animals Guide” 

Below is an example of a letter to the editor. Please use this example as a guide and remember you will need to amend it to include the relevant information. 


Dear Letters Editor, 

I was shocked to see that [Name of council/school etc] is planning to cull grey squirrels at [location]. In a world where wildlife is rapidly declining, we should be showing tolerance and compassion to the other species with whom we share the planet. 

Methods used to cull squirrels, such as trapping, shooting or bludgeoning them to death inside a sack, can cause terrible suffering. Poisons typically cause animals to die from internal bleeding, which can take several days.  

As well as being cruel, killing squirrels does not work. If there is a good source of food in an area and the environment remains attractive, more squirrels will quickly move into the area to replace those who have been killed. 

I hope the council will reconsider its decision to cull the squirrels and instead opt for non-lethal humane methods, such as blocking access to roof spaces and using sonic repellents. Thank you.  

[Your name] 

[Local Resident]