Example Letter to Organisers of a Pigeon Cull

The first person you should contact is the organiser. You can email, write or speak to them on the phone or face to face.

Below is an example of a letter you can send to a person or organisation planning to cull pigeons in your area. If you can, please personalise the words, as this helps your letter have more impact, especially if other residents are also contacting them.

Dear [Name] 

I was shocked to see that [who] are planning to cull pigeons at [location]. As a local resident I am asking you to reconsider.  

I, like many people, enjoy seeing pigeons and other wildlife in our local area. To persecute and kill these beautiful birds is likely to be extremely unpopular with people. Pigeons are sociable birds, who generally mate for life, making culling particularly cruel. 

Methods used to cull pigeons can cause terrible suffering. Shooting birds can never be entirely accurate, so wounded birds may be left to die in agony. Shooting with firearms can also pose a danger to the public and other wildlife. The use of birds of prey, which are often not the natural predator species for pigeons, can also be extremely cruel, as terrified pigeons are pursued and torn apart.  

As well as being cruel, killing pigeons does not work, so it is a waste of resources. If there is a good source of food in an area and the environment remains attractive, within weeks the number of birds can return to pre-cull levels and often more. This is because killing adult birds leads to less competition in a flock and favours the survival of younger healthy birds. 

There are many cost-effective humane alternatives to culling. For pigeons, these include reducing the food available by ensuring streets are kept clean and street bins are emptied, blocking access to roof spaces and buildings and installing ‘Bird-Free’ ultraviolet or optical gel to deter birds from roosting and nesting in certain areas.  

These, and other methods, are explained in the following resources: 

  1. Animal Aid’s ‘Alternatives to Culling’ booklet: https://www.animalaid.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/alternativestoculling2022-4.pdf 
  2. Animal Aid’s Birds Advice sheet: https://www.animalaid.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Birds-advice-sheet_May2019.pdf 

You may also want to get in touch with Humane Wildlife Solutions to help you find an ethical solution. Their telephone number is 07771 361226. 

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely, 



Local resident 

Add your phone number if you are happy to discuss this on the phone.



  • If your local council is carrying out the cull you may want to say how you object to your council tax money being wasted on such a cruel and pointless exercise.  
  • Include details of other actions you have taken or are planning to take, such as starting a petition or writing to your local councillors.  
  • If you haven’t received a response in two weeks, we suggest contacting them again, to check they have received your letter. Â