Have a cruelty-free Easter!
The long Easter weekend is traditionally a time for family get-togethers. Here are a few tips to make sure that your weekend is animal-friendly as well as great fun.
Spare the Animals – Go Vegan!
It is seen as a tradition to eat lamb on Easter Sunday, but it’s easy to miss the connection between the adorable spring lamb in the field, and the food on your plate. But lambs are often just ten weeks old when they are slaughtered. Our undercover slaughterhouse footage has shown that no slaughter is cruelty-free or humane. Order a FREE Go Vegan pack!
Indulge Yourself With Cruelty-Free Chocolate
Everyone loves a chocolate Easter egg, but when buying them for your loved ones this year, why not go for a dairy-free option? Dairy cows suffer tremendously in the dairy industry; they suffer forced impregnation, have their babies taken away from them and are sent to slaughter once they are no longer producing enough milk to be commercially viable. Luckily, the range of vegan Easter treats is ever growing and you can get a range of Easter eggs and goodies from our online store, health food shops and supermarkets.
Be Kind To Bunnies
Rabbits are arguably one of the most abused ‘pet’ species of all. People often see rabbits as a good ‘gift’ but seldom do they consider that rabbits can live for up to ten years and require commitment to fulfil their needs. There are plenty of rabbits needing homes in rescue centres across the country, so if you feel that you can give a rabbit a loving home please adopt one!
Rabbits also suffer in product-testing – so please ensure that your household products are cruelty-free. Brands such as Astonish and Co-Op own brand are not tested on animals and are often cheaper than many other brands.
Boycott Petting Zoos and Cruel Events
At this time of year, petting zoos and live-animal events are rife. Animals – such as rabbits, donkeys and lambs – suffer from tremendous stress and anxiety at these events through long transportation, mishandling, and the loud, unfamiliar environments that they are forced into. Instead, opt for some animal-friendly entertainment such as a vegan Easter egg hunt, or an Easter-themed arts and crafts session.