New factory farm approved despite overwhelming public opposition

Posted on the 14th April 2016

A new factory farm for pigs in the East Riding of Yorkshire has been allowed to go ahead, despite more than 7,000 objections being submitted and a vigorous local campaign against the plans.

At a Planning Committee meeting today (April 14), councillors voted to approve the new farm, which could incarcerate more than 6,000 pigs at any one time.

In February 2016, Animal Aid conducted an undercover investigation at several farms operated by the company behind the application.

The national campaign group uncovered scenes it found deeply disturbing, including obviously sick animals in filthy conditions; stillborn piglets in farrowing units where there were live animals; and pigs with multiple scratch wounds, undoubtedly caused by fighting. At four out of the five premises investigated, dead animals were found left exposed to the open air. Antibiotics and uncovered syringes were found at one of the farms.

Says Animal Aid Campaign Manager, Isobel Hutchinson:

‘We are greatly saddened that, in spite of overwhelming public opposition, this new factory farm has been allowed to go ahead. We would, however, like to thank everyone who took the time to speak out against the plans, and the local residents who led such a strong campaign against them.

‘While this new farm has unfortunately been granted permission, we feel certain that our campaign against it has helped to draw people’s attention to the suffering of farmed pigs, who typically have miserable lives before facing a traumatic slaughterhouse death. Anyone who would like to avoid supporting this terrible suffering, and adopt a cruelty-free diet, can order a free information pack from Animal Aid.’

Notes to Editors

  • View a short film of Animal Aid’s investigation:
  • For more information or to interview Isobel Hutchinson, please telephone 01732 364 546 ext 233
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