A ‘pissed off’ Robert Wells quits Countryside Alliance concert

Posted on the 24th April 2007

As noted by The Independent (24 April 07), the Countryside Alliance’s Countryside Rocks concert has run into a spot of bother as one of their scheduled performers, Robert Wells – the world-famous pianist, singer and composer – has refused to participate in the show.

Speaking to a Swedish newspaper, Wells said, “I felt that they were keeping something from me when they denied that the Countryside Alliance had anything to do with foxhunting. I warned them not to mess with me or I’d get really pissed off.”

Wells, who has been invited to compose and perform the music for the Opening Ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympics added: “As far as I knew, this concert was in support of nature and countryside, and then this crap shows up. That’s when I said that is against my beliefs, and I cancelled.”

Just two weeks ago, a Swedish journalist called the UK’s largest animal rights group, Animal Aid, asking about the Countryside Alliance’s campaigns. It would appear that, having read their website and some revealing press articles, the news about the Countryside Alliance’s love of ‘country pursuits’ must have filtered back to Robert Wells, who then resigned from the concert line-up.

Says Andrew Tyler, Director of Animal Aid:

”Robert Wells is a musician of talent, sensitivity and discernment. He was therefore appalled to think he’d nearly been conned into performing at a concert promoting the killing of animals for pleasure. It’s time Eric Clapton and co. followed his life-affirming example.’

Notes to Editors:

  • For more information, contact Andrew Tyler on 01732 364 546.

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