Pheasants and partridges are confined in cages

Posted on the 22nd January 2021

With the pheasant and partridge shooting season about to come to an end, it is timely to remind ourselves that the game bird breeding season will start soon.

Across the country and hidden from public gaze, many thousands of pheasants and partridges used for breeding purposes are imprisoned in cages. Their eggs will be collected, hatched and the resulting chicks (if deemed of good enough quality) will be reared on to become next season’s feathered targets for shooters.

Our undercover footage has revealed that not only do these semi-wild birds endure confinement but, against even the most basic government guidance, many are imprisoned in barren cages. The stress of their confinement is unbearable. Often, their frustration turns to violence against each other. The shooting industry’s answer is to restrict these poor birds still further by putting ‘bits’ on their beaks.

Animal Aid’s goal is to see an end to the killing of animals for ‘sport’. In the interim, we are pushing for an immediate ban on these horrific cages.

Chicks ground up alive

In 2019, Animal Aid’s undercover team revealed that eggs and even hatching chicks were being destroyed in macerators (which are like giant food blenders), where they are ground up alive.

Warning: Many people will find this footage disturbing.

2020 Investigation

Please take a look at some of the images from our most recent investigations in 2020

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