Wild Justice calls on MPs to take action over the killing of raptors

Posted on the 12th August 2020

On the day that marks the start of the grouse shooting season, Labour has called for licensing of grouse shoots amid the rise in raptor persecution. According to this article in The Guardian, the RSPB has seen a sharp rise in the number of cases of birds of prey being killed during lockdown.

The campaigning group, Wild Justice – headed up by TV conservationist, Chris Packham – has started an e-action calling on MPs to take action over the killing of raptors as well as other aspects of grouse moor management, such as the burning of vegetation which causes environmental damage.

More than 30,000 people have supported the e-action in just four days.

Take action - visit the Wild Justice website

As well as the killing of raptors, and the damage to the environment, it is, of course, the poor grouse who will be shot for so-called sport.

Read more about this issue, and please share our film on social media.

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