
Try something new this World Plant Milk Day

The dairy industry is cruel and causes animals to suffer immensely. But ditching dairy doesn’t only benefit cows and calves, it’s also better for your health and for the health of the planet! So why...

Posted 22 Aug 2024

What’s wrong with dairy?

The dairy industry works hard to maintain a facade of happy cows grazing in fields and trotting eagerly to the milking parlour. But the truth is quite different...

Posted 20 Aug 2024

Tips for a Vibrant Vegan summer!

Temperatures are rising and there’s a bank holiday weekend right around the corner, which can mean only one thing: good food! Thanks to an abundance of plant-based options now available, there’s an alfresco option for...

Posted 15 Aug 2024

Celebrating Animal Law Day

On the 22nd of July, we celebrate Animal Law Day, an important opportunity to reflect on the advancements made in animal protection legislation and reaffirm our commitment to advocating for the rights of animals.

Posted 22 Jul 2024

Universities Challenged Heads North!

On Wednesday the 3rd of July, we visited the bustling city of Manchester to chat with members of the public about the issue of animal experiments conducted at the University of Manchester. According to the...

Posted 09 Jul 2024

General Election 2024: What’s next for animals?

This morning, people all over the country will be waking up to a new government with Labour winning a landslide majority in yesterday’s General Election (July 4). But what does this mean for animals?

Posted 05 Jul 2024